Wine supper and wine tasting
Wine supper and wine tasting

Wine tasting
You can get the feel of wines of the best Hungarian wineries or local wine specialities accompained by wine-biscuits (cheese, nuts or apple) in a historical atmosphere in the banquet-hall of the hotel.
Number: min. 4 person
Wines: 4-6 kinds of wine
Beginning: 17.00 Hours (ballroom)
Prise: from 6500 HUF/person
Wine tasting with buffet dinner
You can get the feel of wines of the best Hungarian wineries or local wine specialities accompained by wine-biscuits (cheese, nuts or apple) in a historical atmosphere in the banquet-hall of the hotel.
Number: min. 4 person
Wines: 4-6 kind of wine
Beginning: 17.00 Hours (ballroom)
After the tasting buffet dinner at the restaurant of the hotel
Prise: from 12.000 HUF/person
Wine supper with the wines of Egly winery
( 4-6 kinds of wine associated with the food)
- Aperitif: Törley Gala Sec
- Ham chips with rocketsalad and toasted walnuty balsamic honey sauce
- Tarragon ragout soup with venison
- Dried tomato tenderloin filled with goat cheese, fried in bacon and pasta with green peas potato paste and vegetables
- Chocolate cake with strawberry
Number: min. 4 person
Prise: from 15.000 HUF/person
Please, inform us about your intention to participate two days before the program.