Captain's Welcome
Dear Visitors!
I am Imre Papp, the captain of the Castle Sümeg, with my family the owner, manager of the Hotel Kapitány Wellness****superior.
The first time I met the Castle of Sümeg was in my childhood, as I was born here. At the time I believed that Sümeg was well-known all over the country, as the country's most beautiful area could be found here, the children built castles like this in nursery schools and the children's fantasy met reality here. However, as an adult, I had to face the opposite of it.
Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to do something for the reputation of the Castle in the past 20 years. I have been permitted to build and run the Castle of Sümeg since 1989. I can organize exhibitions, tournaments, cultural events and what is more important, I could save it from the rack and ruin. Furthermore, I was the one who could start a general castle building movement in Hungary!
The Castle of Sümeg and I have luck with each other!
The Castle and I have met each other in 1989, when I was 40 years old. My wife, my little children, my parents, my brothers, sisters and friends all supported me. The last 23 years have proven that the real power lies in family union. The key to success is the strong belief, diligence, endurance and the continuous, hard work.
Thanks to these above, the Castle has been renewed, its popularity has rapidly grown while bringing reputation to the town as well. Furthermore, at the foot of the Castle a 'Castle Domain' has been built including a 154-roomed hotel, a traditional Hungarian restaurant, a manége, an open-air theatre and knight's hall - all serving tourism.
You may browse on Hotel Kapitány Wellness****superior website now, you may choose from our packets, our programs. I hope our offers will meet your expectations and we may welcome you as our guest soon in our Hotel!
Till then in my whole team's name I desire for your work many successes, good health!
Imre Papp
Constable of the Castle Sümeg